M1 Wheel speed + vehicle speed settings

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M1 Wheel speed + vehicle speed settings

Postby mr2andy on Thu May 10, 2018 2:55 am

Hello all,
Need help again! :)

So we have migrated from M400 to M130 and I'm trying to figure out how to move the "vehicle speed" setting from M400 to M130.

In M400, we have the speedo sensor feed into the M400 dig-1 input and we use the calibration value in our case 375 to get close to the correct mph value.

It seems to be that M1 doesn't take such calibration value, I assume I may have to input the tires circumference value into M1 under "wheel" and M1 will automatically calculate it for us?

My current set up is
Wheel speed (FL, FR, RL, RR) all receiving speed information from ADL2 CAN bus.

We have entered the gear ratio (1-5 + reverse) as well as the final gear ratio into M1 tune in case this is needed as well.

I have configured the Wheel->rear->drive->source to the dig-3 inputs which read the hall sensor output from the transmission speedo sensor. What else do I need to do for the wheel->rear->drive to calculate the correct speed?

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Re: M1 Wheel speed + vehicle speed settings

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri May 11, 2018 5:44 pm


In the M1, Vehicle Speed is a generated channel that can be sourced from a number of locations, as well as having fall back options.

How it is generated depends on how the M1 is configured, as the drive type and sensors allocated change the calculation, I would advise reading the Vehicle Speed help in M1 Tune, as it goes in to much more detail.

If you have configured the 4 wheel speeds to get data through the CAN bus and have the wheel circumferences and final drive ratio correct, then the M1 will calculate each wheel speed from this data. When using data over CAN if the signal received is not in either mHz or mV, you may need to change the Scale value to suit. I have found that a ratio of approx 14.3 between the Scale value and Teeth value works, but this may vary on your vehicle. This can be tested using the simulate function in the ADL Manager.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M1 Wheel speed + vehicle speed settings

Postby mr2andy on Sun May 13, 2018 1:25 am

Thanks for your input.

Issue #1: The 4-wheel speed data came from ADL2 seems to be in either kmh or mph but M1 is looking for mHz or mV. Are you saying that I need to change how ADL2 send the speed info and apply the 14.3 ratio in M1 for it to work? Currently, the ADL2 is able to display either kmh or mph on the dash for all 4 wheel speed. I just can't seem to get the M1 to see the information.

Question: This is more of an ADL question instead of M1. Can I asked ADL to transmit raw voltage information instead of the "channel" value?

Issue #2: I have used M400 to do gear detection as well and with all the gear ratio information I have entered into M400, it has no problem in calculating for the right gear. I have entered the same information in M1 and the only gear it can guess right is gear 5. Is there anything I need to do differently in M1 when it comes to gear detection?
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Re: M1 Wheel speed + vehicle speed settings

Postby David Ferguson on Sun May 13, 2018 2:47 am

You are overthinking this. Just change the Scale parameter until the speeds match the GPS speed. If you will post a log showing the M1 wheel speeds and the GPS speed, I will be happy to calculate the scale value for you.
David Ferguson
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Re: M1 Wheel speed + vehicle speed settings

Postby Sydney Anders on Fri May 18, 2018 9:58 am

David Ferguson wrote:You are overthinking this. Just change the Scale parameter until the speeds match the GPS speed. If you will post a log showing the M1 wheel speeds and the GPS speed, I will be happy to calculate the scale value for you.

You're a saint XD.
Sydney Anders
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