Calibration of a custom temp sensor Delphi 12160855

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Calibration of a custom temp sensor Delphi 12160855

Postby TUF-427 on Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:51 pm

Hey Guys,

Install is progressing well , I need to Calibrate a sensor that's not on the drop down list,

Delphi/GM/Packard 12160855 that I want to use for Engine oil temperature, has a wide range and quick response compared to some.

I have a resistance Vs Temperature Data how do I extrapolate that to the Voltage trace?

Data attached

Thanks in advance
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Re: Calibration of a custom temp sensor Delphi 12160855

Postby lflife on Sat Jan 27, 2018 5:01 am

I used to use a very primitive method.I put a mercury thermometer and a temperature sensor in a container filled with oil.Heating, referring to different voltages at different temperatures.Record a voltage at 10 degrees centigrade.
hope this helps!
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Re: Calibration of a custom temp sensor Delphi 12160855

Postby adrian on Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:34 am

If you are wiring the sensor into an AT input then there is a 1kohm pull up to 5V.

So Vi = Vs x (R2/ (R1 + R2))
where Vi = The input voltage
Vs = Supply voltage (5V)
R1 = Pull up resistance (1kohm)
R2 = Sensor resistance

As an example at 0deg: Vi = 5 x (37499/ ( 37499 + 1000) = 4.87V

Just create a spreadsheet with all the values then copy them into tune.
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