CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle

Postby mgouldstone on Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:24 am


I get the following message in my log file.

1476.791 100Hz_Trigg:ecu_can_rx.c(77): CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle
1477.791 100Hz_Trigg:ecu_can_rx.c(77): CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle
1478.801 100Hz_Trigg:ecu_can_rx.c(77): CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle
1479.801 100Hz_Trigg:ecu_can_rx.c(77): CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle
1480.801 100Hz_Trigg:ecu_can_rx.c(77): CanComms.RxMessage: bad handle

Does anyone know what these mean, everything seems to run fine and how I resolve them.


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