Output and M150 fails

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Output and M150 fails

Postby MaBaMM on Sat May 27, 2017 9:19 am

Hi members,

since yesterday we have got some serious connection problems with our m150 on the car.

At morging on the first connection everything works fine.
After a few minutes and changes in the setup the m1 slightly works slower and slower until it doesnt works.
When i reconnect it (disconnect the ethernet cable and battery supply) i couldnt send a package to the m1.
There is just the pop up window with the loading bar and the comment 'sendin system'

There is no CAN connected and just a few sensors. We just setup the drivetrain (shifting and clutch)
But the diagnostic of CAN 1 and 3 says

So after one hour without any action on the m1 and no battery connected the m1 worked again for a few minutes and so on.

This all just happens at the car. Not on the dyno. And on the dyno is CAN 1 used with a lot CAN traffic.

The other problem is that we couldnt send any output to the Half Bridge Output 7.
We send test outputs but no signal. We measured with a multimeter but nothing.
We also set it to a function (cooler fan 1) where we are sure that it will work but also no signal.

It seems that the Half Bridge Output 7 is death.

Is there any other method how we can check this befor we contact our deal?
Is there a function in the m1 to stopp any action on this output?

Thanks for your answers.

Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am

Re: Output and M150 fails

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon May 29, 2017 1:08 pm


With the slowing down of the communications from the M1 to the laptop, is the M1 running the engine at the time? does the engine operation get affected by this slowdown? Are you always using the same laptop to connect to the M1?

Can you post the settings that you are using for the coolant fan.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Output and M150 fails

Postby MaBaMM on Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:24 am

Hi Stephen,

thanks for your answer and sorry for my late answer. Much to do in these days.

So at first we solved both problems.
1) HBO 7 is working. The reason is that auxiliary 5 is just working with low side. No config parameter to switch to high side. we set it to coolant fan 1 and config it to high side and it worked.
2) CAN problem is also solved. after loom inspection and measurements with a multimeter we found out that one plug isnt pluged in how it should. just a lucky shot.

Thanks stephen,
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am

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