No Fuel Trim/ No Fuel Tables

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Re: No Fuel Trim/ No Fuel Tables

Postby MaBaMM on Sat May 13, 2017 10:28 am

Hello guys,

im sorry for my late feedback. It has been a busy week.

So i went to the test engine and did some test.
I redone my changes in the build and created a new package and migrate data from the further package.
I also setup again the package. I have looked on all egngine-setups and checked it.

I have noticed, that when i choose the Bosch 0280 158 057 - wich is the same injector what we use, just a different spray angle - the engine doesnt run.
When i clear the linearsation table and set just one cell to 8ms the engine runs immediately, cold.
All other setups of the injectors are the same like the Bosch 0280 158 057. I didnt change them.

A mistake what i did is that i have set the fuel primary main to 13° (373) BTDC and the fuel primary limit to 23° (383) BTDC. So when the limit is reached befor the main timing, the injectors would not inject at 13° BTDC. Am I wrong?

An other mistake was made yesterday. We would test our injectors and ignition befor we crank and run with M150. So we start testing injectors. All work. Start testing ignition 1. Nothing happens. Ignition 4 nothing happens. just for minimum of time... 1 or 2 seconds. So we stoped and take off the ignition coils... there comes steam from the valve cover.
All 4 ignition coils are blown. Searched the mistake and found it.
One day before we worked on an other package and choose this. But there was 100 % Trim on Ignition Coil Charge Time Trim. Luckily they were old and nothing happen on the engine.

Back to the topic:
we crank up the engine and it runs at 4000 rpm. All test for a few minutes.
I type in 10% Fuel Overall Trim - nothing happens same rpm.
20 % - 90 % nothing happens same rpm.
at 100 % the engine rpm decrease to 1500. i set it to 0 % fast enough so that the engine runs smooth at 4000 rpm.
Then i enter minus values. start with -10 % to 90 %. nothing happens.
At -99.9 % the engine rpm increase very fast to 10000 rpm.

Is there a change from the M800 to the M150 with the fuel trim so that positive values cut fuel and negative values add fuel?

This result shows that the M150 noticed the values in fuel overall trim.

And we also could see this on the exhaust and exhaust manifold. They were wet and have fuel/oil on it. Spray marks on other equipment.
The oil color changed from normal black-red (our oil is red) to coffee with milk. It smelled of fuel.
We cleaned it, changed oil and run the engine with the M800 in high loads for 30 mins. Much smoke from the rest fuel/oil in the exhaust manifold. But we have 4 big fans.

I think the injectors doesnt matter any fuel trims when the engine cranks. Because we crank the engine without ignition and dismounted rail. The injection with 0 % and 100 % was the same. (filmed it and play it in slomotion, yes you can see it very good)

@SDean: we called our dealer. He will do it. I also send an email to the support with our partnumbers. Thanks for that.

Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am

Re: No Fuel Trim/ No Fuel Tables

Postby MaBaMM on Fri May 19, 2017 8:41 am

Hi guys,

so after a few days on the dyno we make serious progress.

1. Engine speed ref offset is at 440 - what we expected. Our CRIP by M800 was 80°
2. Fuel trim is available
3. Knock sensor is working
4. All changes what i did on the build are set to default
5. Linearisation table from Bosch 0 280 158 057 is setup - reason for no runing engine was that the ramp was at 1°/s to reach the aim BTDC at the ignition timing table

So i import the fuel map from M800. For that i calculated 20% = 0.2 bar for a first table.
After a few cranks and no start i increased all values with +15% till the engine runs.
Then we could easily applicate a few loads.

For the first start and so on i set all other lambda tables like in exhaust or cooling to 2 and the mixture aim to 1
All comoensations for any fuel temperature and else were set off
Now we will step by step set them on and calibrate them.

Thanke for your help!

@SDean: our local dealer got the parcel.

Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am


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