The first thing that you need to do is to talk to your dealer and organise to have the license in your M130 upgraded to the latest version of GPA. We have made a lot of improvements to the Package in the three years since the version that you are using was released. The process of migrating your Package up to the latest version will have to be done carefully to ensure that all of the settings migrate correctly.
December 2014 to July 2015 Migration DocumentJuly 2015 to February 2016 Migration DocumentThe Boost limits are a percentage of the Boost Aim Main table, and the M1 will use the lowest value, so if you have a value of 0 in the boost setup, then you are going to have the M1 trying to cut boost when that condition is true.
If you were trying to run the engine with the boost settings that you have in the attached file, I can understand why you were getting a boost cut occurring. You have too many of the limits with a 0 value set, and it areas that you would normally expect the engine to operate in, such as Gear Boost Limit and Coolant Temperature Boost Limit. You also do not have the basic Boost Control settings setup correctly.
These are the settings that I have on my car for the Boost Control.

Boost Aim

Boost Control Feed Forward

With the Idle control, change the Idle Actuator Solenoid Inverting Output Frequency to 100Hz to match the Idle Actuator Solenoid Normal Output Frequency. If this is set to 0 then the output will act as a switched output, so when you have one side being PWM controlled and the other a switched control, the overall duty cycle will be 50%.
I advise that you download the training notes and have a read of the boost and Idle setup information.