M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

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M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby kylebroslowski on Sun Sep 04, 2016 2:01 am

Hi there,

today, I installed my new wiring loom and ADL3 + M130 on my bike. When I now switch it on, without cranking, and Engine switch "off", the coils are constantly firing. I checked the wiring, but everything is ok. M1 Tine Software shows "configuration error". Any idead how to solve that problem?
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Re: M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby Ben-S on Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:21 pm

What package are you using?

Do you have a CDI box? Those coils can't be controlled directly.
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Re: M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby kylebroslowski on Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:24 am

Hi Ben,

package is called:

CBR 1000 Superbike 2012 [01.20.0005, January 2013] CBR 1000RR SC59

You may be right, but then I'm going to be bit disapointed of the Hardware, when it is not capable of driving those simple Coils.

Other thing is, if the M130 cannot drive the coils, the safety mechanism/ software should switch of the coils and not let them firing constantly. I used a bit brake disk cleaner to lube the rubber to get the throttle bodies in, and this was ignited by the the steady firing and made a very nice and huge fireball in our workshop! :lol:

So I still hope that there is something wrong in the package, otherwise I need to spent money again, and actually the costs for all that electronic stuff is way more than the rest of the bike. I will wait for monday to see what the UK guys will say, but this I a big throwback for me.

Cheers, Mike
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Re: M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby kylebroslowski on Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:53 am

Ben, you've been right :(

I need to get an amplifier box to run the those coils.

Thank you for your Information, I'm still not sure if I should take the IGN4 or get some Bosch drivers, as they're half the price in Germany.

Cheers, Mike
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Re: M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby Ben-S on Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:08 am

I don't think there are any ecu's of this caliber that could control that coil internally. The reason they don't include coil drivers internally is to keep the heat and noise produced by the drivers away from the other sensitive components.

Those coils can be driven by either of the ignitors you mentioned so that's really up to your preference, the IGN4 is probably a more reliable piece of hardware but there's nothing wrong with the Bosch either. The 4 channel bosch has become very difficult to find here in the states though.
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Re: M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby kylebroslowski on Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:51 pm

If you need some Bosch 4 channel, I can get you some and send them over. For the motorbike engine the main problem seems to be the rev limitation. Most Bosch amplifier units are limited to 8000RPM.
So I compared some of the standard units, that came along with the most VW/ AUDI TSI engines, and this ones are very cheap on german ebay. They go for around 50-60€, and I found some 2 channel, which are for higher revs for the same price. to be safe, I ordered the IGN4 modul, but also I will give it a try with some other units to compare for future applications.

As i said, if you need something, you can pass me the a part nr. and I will see what is available in Germany.

Cheers, Mike
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Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:44 am

Re: M130 on CBR 1000 RR, coils ignite steady

Postby kylebroslowski on Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:07 am

Problem solved with an IGN_4! :D
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:44 am

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