Package - ECU ties

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Package - ECU ties

Postby lotuselise on Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:55 am

Hi, I have a general question.
If I get an M130/150 new from the dealer or used with some package for example GPR-P, can I later buy separately a Developer Package for this ECU? If so can I sell GPR-P package to someone else to use it on their hardware?

Thank you!
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Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:56 am

Re: Package - ECU ties

Postby adrian on Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:42 am

You can put any number of different licences in an ECU but they are not transferable to another ECU.

However, if you decide to upgrade to a development licence you can trade in your GPR-P package for 80% of its value towards the new licence.
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Re: Package - ECU ties

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:44 am

You can have more than one package for an ECU. So you could add a Developer License at any time to an ECU that has GPA or a Partner package already.

Now, MoTeC is offering a "trade-in" value (I think it's 80% of the orig lic price) if you want to replace a license with a higher-priced one. So you pay only a bit more than the difference between GPR-P and the Developer license if you decide you need that later.

This trade in is not available for any of the Partner Packages -- once purchased -- they are enabled for that ECU s/n.

There is no way to transfer a license from one ECU to another.

I see I was late to the grid with this reply...
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data
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Re: Package - ECU ties

Postby lotuselise on Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:16 am

That's a great offer. And whom would I contact for an upgrade from say GRP-P to Developer?
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Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:56 am

Re: Package - ECU ties

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:21 am

Your friendly local MoTeC dealer. Where are you located?
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data
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