M1 beacon from dash

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M1 beacon from dash

Postby greenamex2 on Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:13 pm

Last night I discovered that my CDL3 dash can TRANSMIT CAN data, not just receive it. You would not believe how much grief and money this is going to save me!

Planning to create a custom CAN stream to my M130 (GPA, to be GPR) with front wheels speeds, GPS, G force and some switches.

However the one thing I can't seem to do easily is transmit a beacon message. I seem to be able to accept a switched input (not CAN) or a BR2 CAN stream (thought about emulating the stream but seemed a wasted on CAN bandwidth).

Any ideas?
Nissan VQ30DE fitted to an AM Sportscars EX2 with a Hewland HP 2000
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Re: M1 beacon from dash

Postby AlanB on Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:43 am

Hi Denis, if you email support@moteceurope.co.uk then someone should be able to send you a file which shows how to do what you are after. If you supply your CDL3 file then we should be able to modify it for you.
Alan Bell
MoTeC Europe Ltd
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Re: M1 beacon from dash

Postby greenamex2 on Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:24 am

Sorted, thanks for the document.

And once I stopped trying to used compound messages....also got the rest of the data from my CDL3 to the M130.


I have become a CAN convert over night! Probably helps being an ex-machine code programmer though.

Just need my engine builder to pull his finger out.
Nissan VQ30DE fitted to an AM Sportscars EX2 with a Hewland HP 2000
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