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M600 install

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 6:30 am
by Giltgy
I am wondering about the power wire as the current draw for the ecu is only half amp, the manual is talking about 12 ga wire minimum for ecu power and the amp plug is designed for 22 ga??? I am following the diagram for wiring but not sure of why the confusing spec for power wire.

Application-Mazda 12a, Weber 48 ida carburetor in
A Ralt based prototype sports racer

Re: M600 install

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:03 am
by David Ferguson
the 12ga wire is to the engine splice point, where power for the ignition and injectors comes from. They are the main current draw. The AMP connector can accomodate 18 ga wire which is typically used for the power and ground pins.