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M84 Idle stepper motor

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:33 pm
by Tom H
Hi, I'm trying to setup my idle stepper motor on an LS1 with M84, Aux outputs 5 to 8 are used for the stepper control. The current setup is Aux 5=8, 6=off, 7=off, and 8=off. This seems to be correct, is it? How do you set up the stepper motor when 3 of the outputs are off?

Re: M84 Idle stepper motor

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:03 pm
by Scott@FP
When you select aux 5 as function 8 idle stepper, 6-7-8 are also used and turned to 'OFF'. Hit F1 a lot, help files come up.