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M84 tuning without a dyno - general steps?

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:54 pm
by LSR Racer
To tune the base map without the Lambda sensor from going into closed loop, should I fill the Lambda AIM table with 0's? or turn the Lambda function off in the setup with a 0 (instead of a 2 for wideband)?

Once the base map is good, then I can tune the accel and decel, then the nitrous/fuel at WOT, then populate the Lambda table and the short term trim should be within range.

I won't be able to get on a dyno soon so I've setup an LED indicator on the dash to tell me when I'm at the programmed throttle setting e.g. 10%, 20%, ... I'm using an Aux table to output to the LED based on the TPS input (I think that's Aux 2). Since I won't be on a dyno, I can't really tune the ignition so I'll just be using the stock ignition map.

Does all of this sound generally in the proper order?


Re: M84 tuning without a dyno - general steps?

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 3:47 am
by David Ferguson
You don't need to change the Lambda Aim table -- you should just turn off the function in the setup -- also when connected with the PC to the ECU when you are in the Fuel Table, the Lambda Control is disabled. So if you are tuning while someone else is driving (suggested), you can stay in the fuel table and use the quick lambda function to quickly tune the current site. Use the the site target to show when you are on the selected site -- press the Q (or W key if you are filling in the table starting at the bottom left) just when you are on the side to with steady throttle to get a good adjustment.

Good luck!