by AdamW on Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:20 pm
Im with Glen here, something very weird going on here. I initially thought "kick back" but really the only way you could generate a pattern like you see here with the cam occurring 4 times as often as it should would be for the engine to do a full 360 deg backwards just after the cam tooth had passed the sensor, then change direction again, forward for 360, etc... Seems unlikely the starter clutch would slip that much.
Its pretty hard to come up with a logical explanation for what you have, but here's another couple of thoughts without knowing these engines:
Is there any possibility the cam sensor or cam trigger wheel has come loose?
Could you temporarily power the starter motor from a separate battery? - My thought here is if there is a bad ground or similar you could potentially get some starter current passed through the 0V when there is an inductive kick everytime it goes past TDC. Your ref/sync looks too clean for this to be a real possibility to me in this case but still something I would try.
Motorsport Electronics Ltd.