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Searching for developer documentation resources

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:53 am
by sirnoname

after some search over the page I found many mauals and instructions but no programmer support.
I need some help for my project. I need to read the motec data in my software. Is there a API or a motec file description?
Can you show me the correct place?


Re: Searching for developer documentation resources

PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:03 am
by Holmz
good luck sir no name.

obviously if you had a name you would be taken more seriously...

So what are you trying to do?
I can think of three scenarios:
1- Make your own plotting/analysis S/W
2- Use specific functions that you need to write your own S/W for.
3- Hack the key so that you an use i2 with other H/W?

if you are trying to do #1, the it should be easy enough to work out the format, but you proably need a dash or logger to do it.

If it is #2, then you can write .dll to plug into i2.

Otherwise you could think of MoTeC like Apple (tm). They (Apple or MoTeC) are a H/W company, and their S/W is only intended to run <on> their H/W.
If OSX ran on a windows machine I would use it. Similarly if i2 was available for OSX I would not be running parallels on a Mac.
So i2 need data files (log files) from MoTeC H/W, and they need to be pro enabled to make them work with i2-pro.

I doubt that MoTeC will be interested in making it easy for you to intellectually 'borrow' their code and leverage on their development work.