uvii wrote:Could I ask: what is the exact calculation for Boost Trim, given
Simple Boost Control;
Inverted Polarity;
Negative Trim i.e. -40;
Starting Frequency Valve Boost Values of 15,15,15,...,76,76,76,76,76 i.e. Valve fully on whilst boost builds, then set to hold at 76 which (remember my Polarity is inverted).
It really depends how do you set up your boost control in the first place.
Let's say per your example, that you only have set up the Open Loop boost control:
The result it will be 12.75, 12.75...64.6, 64.6...
It will only matter the solenoid polarity, if your numbers were getting smaller while the boost is getting higher.
This set up is just to make things more logical on the tables.
If you'd have Closed Loop control, the TRIM would make the same percentage changes, however to the AIM Boost it self.
Ex Was: 200 KPA Target
Ex It will be: 170 KPA new Target.