by RossB on Wed May 26, 2010 3:33 pm
You do not need a compensation for temperature, the sensor heater control keeps the sensor cell within its opperating range of 700-800 degrees. You can check that it is doing this by looking at (logging)the duty cycle of the heater. If the sensor cell reaches 850 degrees the duty cycle will be zero. You can also log Lambda Zp which is normally around 80 but will go down to about 60 if the sensor is too hot. At 50 the sensor will fail. If the sensor has been coled down too much, which can happen with some fuels, Zp will go up. If it goes to 200 the lambda readings will not be acurate.
If the sensor is getting too hot you may have to re-locate it or mount it on to a thicker boss. If it is opperating within normal limits you may be seeing the effects of temperature change in the exhaust gas mixture.