D.I.Y route that I have developed needs some help, a new 7.2mm de-stroked 639cc engine specification is taking awhile to tune.
I have built a fair amount of ignition tables for various road race motorcycle engine builds and always feel like I am wasting a huge time filling in those tables with good data. I would imagine serious teams (with resources to match) build their tables using combustion analysis rigs however all we have is a Dyno with normal engine data logged. The fact that you are operating with a heavy load on the engine means 2 or 3 pulls before you need to cool everything back down for 15 minutes before you can repeat the process, and so on etc
Would it be possible to setup the Motec M1 series to automatically add 2 degrees to the overall ignition table with a push of a button (or better yet automatically when you get back to "x" RPM) between pulls? or are there more advanced methods out there that tie into the torque output and cycle automatically?