Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Information about using GPS units with motec devices

Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby oscooby on Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:52 am


Does someone advise how to connect GPS via STC?
Comms CAN 1 Diag on ADL2 show 512. (No data)

STC DTM 6 pin male
Pin 1: Ground(Battery -)
Pin 2: RS232TX (Transmit) I have connect to TX of GPS
Pin 3: RD232RX (Receive)
Pin 4: CAN low
Pin 5: CAN High
Pin 6: +12V

And I switch TX from GPS connect to Pin3 of STC also. ADL still show 512. I set GPS on CAN2 and try all CAN channels (Please see ADL set up file).

What should I do? :(
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby OmarK on Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:16 pm

Hi, the STC RX pin 3 or yellow wire should be connected to the TX of the GPS. If it is a Blackline GPS, is it receiving 12V power? Is the STC receiving 12V power? Have you got a 100 ohm terminating resistor in your CAN bus as per MoTeC specifications in our user manuals. Is your CAN Hi/Lo in the correct pins in your dash and to the STC? Also check that the baud rate of your STC and GPS are the same and your ADL2 CAN bus rate is 1 M/bit same as the STC if it was ordered that way.
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby oscooby on Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:51 am

Hi Omark,
-I connect STC pin3 to TX of GPS
-Yes, It's blackline and it receiving 12V power
-STC receiving 12V
-I have 100 ohm resistor 1 watt wire at end of each CAN side but I just saw in Motec manual it need 0.25 watt, Does resistor 1 watt will be a problem?
-CAN Hi/Lo B from dash pin 75 and 76 connect to STC pin 4 pin 5, already try CAN Hi/Lo A pin 73, 74 also

-STC is ordered for GPS only. How to check baud rate of my STC and GPS?
I set up GPS on dash manager via CAN2 and change CAN3-CAN5, Comm CAN2-5 Diag still show 512!
I try to connect GPS with same CAN of SLM also, Error still 512. (Please see attached)
-Does something wrong with my config file?

Please advise :(
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby OmarK on Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:51 am

Hi, is your m800, ADL2 all at the 1 mbit CAN rate? Are you receiving data from the M800 when you click on 'Monitor Channels' in ADL 2 Manager?
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby oscooby on Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:16 pm

Hi, I use M880 and ADL2 with CAN. I can recieve data from ECU when click on 'Monitor Channels' in ADL 2 Manager.
Here is my file please see attached.
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby JamieA on Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:15 am

Just wondering, why are you using an STC, on that installation, I don't see why you would need to use it...

Also, the STC's are pre-set from factory for a particular baud rate. If it wasn't ordered to suit a Blackline GPS, or the GPS wasn't bought from MoTeC, they may not be correctly configured..

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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby oscooby on Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:42 pm

Hi, I connect GPS with rs232 but it doesn't work. I think pin79 on my ADL2 has problem. from the begining, I connect ECU with ADL via rs232, It's work correctly for a while, After that ADL didn't show data from ECU. So I connect ECU with ADL via CAN.
For GPS, I use STC to connect via CAN. Blackline and STC were order from Motec. What should I do?
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby JamieA on Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:40 pm

You should do this.

Always connect a hundred series ECU via CAN.
Dont use the STC for now.

To verify that the GPS is working, you can just connect the TX pin from the GPS to pin 2 on your serial port on your laptop, and view the data stream directly into your laptop. You can view it in Hyper terminal or simmilar application. ensure that you set the baud rate to 57600.

Hook up 12v and 0v to your Blackline GPS. Use the TX pin on the GPS, and hook it up to pin 79 on your ADL2.

You should setup the comms screen as per the attached screen shot. Note the baud rate.

If this still doesnt work, we need to get the ADL2 back. There is no use having a non working device. I suspect that pin 79 is working fine, and the problem is somewhere else, but putting in an STC is avoiding rather than fixing the problem

How it should be set up
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby oscooby on Tue May 25, 2010 11:16 pm

Hi Jamie,

I try everything that you advise but GPS still not work. Even make new direct wire from GPS to pin 79 for just in case wiring problem. I already sent STC to change baud rate to 57600. And I just sent ADL2 back to Motec for check pin 79. They said ADL2in fine. What should I do next? Please advise. :?:
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Re: Connect GPS BL1 via STC on ADL2

Postby JamieA on Thu May 27, 2010 10:12 am

Ok, firstly we need to confirm your GPS and its speed.

I suggest that you plug your GPS in to the ADL2 as you normally would, except pull the pin (RS232 TX) out of the connector (coming from the GPS). Plug this pin into the RX pin on the serial port on your PC.

Start up a terminal emulator, and set the input source to be Com1 (assuming that is where you have wired the GPS) and set the baud rate to be 57600.

You should then get standard readable NMEA messages appearing streaming on your screen.

If this produces no data, then check you connection.

If this produces illegible characters, then you should try different baud rates (9600, 19200) until you get readable NMEA sentances. you should be seeing GGA and RMC.

Once you have done this, plug this TX pin into pin 79 onto your ADL2.

Now set your GPS receive to be on RS232, and set the baud rate to match what you see to be the rate in the terminal emulator application.

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