Motec GPS beacon Lat Long different than google earth

Information about using GPS units with motec devices

Motec GPS beacon Lat Long different than google earth

Postby Scott Crawford on Sat Sep 17, 2022 2:22 am

I know the subject line doesn't make a lot of sense so I will do my best to explain.

I'm using an AIM solo 2 DL to export GPS over canbus into a M130 with Motorcycle Drag Race 1.4, which has been adapted for my application by Motec in North Carolina (formerly Motec USA East). We are using if for flat track motorcycle racing primarily on oval tracks from 1/8 to 1 mile long.

Before going to a new race track I use google earth to find start/finish line. (middle of racing line). I input this into "tools>lap generator>generate laps using GPS>selected data source" in i2 pro.

I haven't been able to format real laps from doing this, so have been using "from cursor" as our venues aren't in the list.

When I type the GPS coordinates that show up in i2 from the cursor placement into google earth the pin doesn't show up on the race track start finish, it's off to some random side in the middle or outside of the actual track. Not by much, maybe 15 meters.
good beacon.PNG
good beacon.PNG (6.73 MiB) Viewed 12566 times

What AIM has available for export doesn't match what Motec has available for import.
aim gps.PNG
aim gps.PNG (49.36 KiB) Viewed 12566 times

motec gps.PNG
motec gps.PNG (514.29 KiB) Viewed 12566 times

Is there some error because of the missing information from AIM to Motec?
Scott Crawford
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2022 5:38 am

Re: Motec GPS beacon Lat Long different than google earth

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Sep 19, 2022 11:25 am

I find that the accuracy of GPS data being entered into Google Maps / Earth is pretty poor. I have done testing using known good data (from Government survey information) in Google and the locations shown in Google will vary quite a lot from the actual correct location. I have seen 50m variances in the location generated, and this will change if you re enter the data.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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