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Dash Manager for Linux?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:11 pm
by Evan
We have two cars, one with a first generation ADL and another with a new ADL3. It's time to replace the 10 year old laptop and I'm disappointed in Windows 8. Any chance that ADL Dash Manager and/or ADL3 Dash Manager will run under Linux? If not, is that something Motec is working on?

Re: Dash Manager for Linux?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:28 pm
by YuriK
Hi Evan,
Why are you not happy with Windows 8? Have you found some MoTeC application that doesn't work or is it something else?
Unfortunately we do not have (and we don't plan to make in a foreseeable future) MoTeC applications that run on Linux. However I beleive that if you install Windows virtual machine on your Linux platform, you should be able to run dash managers.


Re: Dash Manager for Linux?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:16 pm
by Holmz
YuriK wrote:Hi Evan,
Unfortunately we do not have (and we don't plan to make in a foreseeable future)

I could envision some iPad apps being a plus for business.

Re: Dash Manager for Linux?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:52 pm
by Evan

I haven't tried running the Motec applications in Windows 8, so I don't yet know if they will run in it. Can you tell me if the following Motec applications will run in Windows 8?
1. ADL Dash Manager
2. ADL3 Dash Manager

I don't want to waste time & money buying a new Windows 8 machine if it won't run the software I need it to. I already know that it won't run Excel 2000/2003 for the Setup Sheets in i2. I hate Excel 2007/2010 and refuse to purchase it -- I'd use Open Office instead if i2 supports it.

Microsoft has gone off the rails with Office 2007 and Windows 8. I'm looking for alternatives that don't have horrible user interfaces. Right now, Open Office and Linux look like the best alternatives. Sadly, from your reply, it doesn't appear that Motec is compatible with Linux.


Re: Dash Manager for Linux?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:16 am
by YuriK
Hi Evan,
Dash Managers do work on Windows 8. However you don't have to buy Windows 8 if you don't like it, Windows 7 will do just fine (if not better).
Unfortunately i2 is not capable of lounching OpenOffice applications, so it can automatically open setup sheets only from Microsoft Excel .
As I said earlier MoTeC applications are running only on Windows OS. There are ways of running windows applications on Linux so I believe it is possible if you know Linux.