Display Creator Win7 Language Setting issue

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Display Creator Win7 Language Setting issue

Postby Robin Poenisch on Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:12 am


to get my custom design made with Display Creator to work in the C185, I hade to change the decimal separator sign from "," to "." in the Windows language settings.
Before that I have also been able to create and send configs without problems, but the C185 did not show real values, everything was 0.
Dash Manager 5.60X3
Display Creator
Windows 7 64bit

Would be cool, to leave the german language settings in Windows as they are by default.

Robin Poenisch Motorsport
Engineering Services
Electronic Systems

Robin Poenisch
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:16 pm
Location: Weinstadt/Germany

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