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External Math Support Material

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 9:12 am
by rsantos
Hi all. I'm trying to create an external math, but I couldn't find anything helpful on the I2 help page, the information there is oversimplified, and the external math sample files provided in programfiles\motec\i2\version\samples\maths don't help much either, since I'm not an experienced programmer with neither C++ or

I have two main questions:

1- is it possible to write a python code to create an importable .dll that could work as an external math channel? If so, what would the requirements for the code be? How can I structure the data and what kind of features does the code have to have?

2 - In case it isn't possible to do that with Python, what do my C++ code has to have to work? I tried to look at the sample codes for the Sine Generator functions provided in i2 samples, but as I said, I couldn't figure out much from it. Is there support material available to create external math channels other than what is available at i2 help?