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Dash monitor in I2 Pro
Fri Dec 30, 2022 4:16 am
by FrankL
1. Is there a way to see the dash (C187) channels in real time in I2 Pro when plugged in the dash via the download port (RJ45)?
I know than the Telemetry Module can do that, but I am only interested by a friendlier interface than the "Monitor Channel" of the "Dash Manager".
2. If not, does the "Telemetry Option" would allow me to do than without the need of T2 server and using wireless communications?
3. What would be the cheapest solution to see live data through I2 Pro while being plugged?
Cheers, Frank
Re: Dash monitor in I2 Pro
Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:47 am
by David Ferguson
Have you tried setting up additional pages with gauges, large numeric displays and strip charts in Monitor Channels? While it's not I2, you can certainly make a friendlier interface. I have pages with large displays of wheelspeed and suspension position for each corner. Allows me to check sensors to make sure all is working in the workshop.
Re: Dash monitor in I2 Pro
Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:50 am
by FrankL
Thanks David,
I already use multiple pages and gauges on Monitor Channel. But I would like to be able to use the additional features of I2 to make life easier.
Can anyone help me with the following questions?
1. Is there a way to see the dash (C187) channels in real time in I2 Pro when plugged in the dash via the download port (RJ45)?
2. If not, does the "Telemetry Option" would allow me to do than without the need of T2 server and using wireless communications?
3. What would be the cheapest solution to see live data through I2 Pro while being plugged?
Thanks, Frank
Re: Dash monitor in I2 Pro
Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:36 pm
by NathanB
Hi Frank:
1. No. Even with a T2 Telemetry upgrade, you will connect the dash to an RS232 to USB adapter, and select this as the source in T2 Server, before selecting the data stream in I2 Pro. The only ethernet comms possible between the dash and a device is via Dash Manager/Display Creator. So even if you found a suitable network switch to allow wireless connectivity, you would still only have the monitor channels functionality.
2. T2 Telemetry upgrade allows one of the serial outputs to send a telemetry stream. This still requires the use of T2, as you need a way of handling the metadata so you can unpack the telemetry stream at the other end into something useable. As previously covered, telemetry is a serial stream.
3. T2 upgrade and a serial to USB cable is the quickest and easiest way to get real time data out of the dash into i2 Pro. For a wireless interface, its up to you whether you choose to use a radio based serial modem, or LTE style solution.
Re: Dash monitor in I2 Pro
Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:56 pm
by Robin Poenisch
I wanted to ask pretty much for the same feature and was sure somebody else must have already requested this.
Channel Monitor in the Dash Manager is pretty out-dated and missing some features (like the "Channel bits" gauge). Also using the same worksheets for checking channels when you are connected via ethernet to the car like you use for logged data or telemetry, would safe a lot of work and makes things a lot more user friendly.
If necessary it could be linked to the T2 upgrade, so it makes no sense to "mis-use" it as a cheap telemetry solution