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Math Expr Edit - Array/Point Eval & Math Const Quick Edit

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:43 am
by FrankL
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know what is the utility of roll down menu Array Evaluator / Point Evaluator?
If so do you have a example?

Also, I am trying to figure out how to use the new Maths constants 'Quick Edit'.
I have been clicking everywhere and sometime the values change. The " - " icon doesn't respond and where is the "+"?
What is the purpose of [Set Using 'Brake Press Front'] icon, which is linked with the selected channel?
Anyone know?

Thanks, Frank

Re: Math Expr Edit - Array/Point Eval & Math Const Quick Edi

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:49 pm
by adrian
The difference between array and point is that when point is selected your maths channel is calculated point by point from the start of the logging to end whereas array uses the full dataset. Below is an example of Stat_Max() of Engine Speed in both point and array modes. You can see in point mode the maths channel follows the engine speed channel until it gets to the maximum. In array mode you get the maximum value of the whole dataset so get a straight line.

Point vs Array Evaluator.png
Point vs Array Evaluator.png (765.9 KiB) Viewed 3591 times

It looks like that window simply needs to be widened to show the "+" button.

The set using "x" channel sets your constant to the value of the selected channel at the current cursor point. It is capped at the min/max if you have them set.

Re: Math Expr Edit - Array/Point Eval & Math Const Quick Edi

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 1:58 am
by FrankL
Thanks Adrian,

I do see some use now for the Array / Point Evaluator function. It is great!

As for the Math Constants Quick Edit, I try to resize the tab and still have the issue. It seems the graphics are not in line with click sensitive area. The size of the graphics and the click area are not the same also.
Maybe it is linked to my screen resolution or Windows version.

I will send a error report, do you need more information?

Thanks, François