Can somebody assist as I am trying to create 3 channels of data as follows in the maths facility of i2 Pro to assist in braking analysis, the channels I am wishing to create are as follows:
-Front Brake speed in Bar/s
-Braking aggression
-Brake release smoothness
For brake speed my formula if correct is as follows: v_brake(t) = PBrake(t) * d/dt
Which I have as follows v_brake(t) = 'p_brake_fr' [bar] * 'Corr Dist' [m] / 'Corr Dist' [m] * ?
I am using a time/distance graph with the following channels already plotted:
G Force Long
Brake Press F
Throttle %
Vel front
It is my formula which appears incorrect as I am unsure of the value of 'dt'.