Warning Limits and channel report

Discussion and support for i2 Standard and i2 Pro applications

Warning Limits and channel report

Postby FrankL on Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:14 am

Can someone tell me what is the use of "Display Warning 1-2 Limits" Lo / Hi in the "Channel properties"???
(MoTeC i2 Pro (x64) (

Have I look all over the MoTeC literature, notes, help menu, forum and I am unable to find the information. Is it link to the Telemetry Interface?

Does anybody known how to highlight channel over a certain limit in the channel report. I would like to avoid doing some Math channel, I have more than a 100 temperature to monitor.

It would be very nice feature if we could use it in a "channel report" to color value that are over the warning limits. Here is a example.

Warning highlight channel report.jpg
Warning highlight channel report.jpg (292.45 KiB) Viewed 10772 times

Thanks, Frank
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Location: Québec, Canada

Re: Warning Limits and channel report

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:43 am

Great idea. I would expect the Display tab of the Channel Report Properties to have tick boxes in the options section with something like:
"Show color Background for Display Warning Limit 1 Lo" + Color Picker Icon
"Show color Background for Display Warning Limit 1 Hi" + Color Picker Icon
"Show color Background for Display Warning Limit 2 Lo" + Color Picker Icon
"Show color Background for Display Warning Limit 2 Hi" + Color Picker Icon
David Ferguson
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Re: Warning Limits and channel report

Postby adrian on Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:19 am

The Display Warning Limits are used when setting up gauges, so for example you can have a coloured 'Zone' on an RPM gauge above the red line.

I think your suggestion is a good one, I will add a feature request to our system.
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Re: Warning Limits and channel report

Postby FrankL on Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:12 pm

Thanks Adrian,
I look forward for the next update than.
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Location: Québec, Canada

Re: Warning Limits and channel report

Postby marksdoran on Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:30 am

Is there a way to +1 requests and add on to them??

It occurs to me to ask -- would it be possible to have these limit values show up on the time/distance graphs as well?? Right now I just use a quick constant value math channel to put a reference line on strip charts but that seems like duplication of this capability that's already baked in. Seems like it would be pretty simple to add a couple of check boxes to enable showing these as lines in the properties dialog of the time/distance components and then have the limit lines drawn.

if competitive comparison helps the cause, Pi Toolbox has this already ;)
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