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Log File Time Scale

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:15 am
by CarloL

I have a very large log file spanning over weeks of data (59 mb), how do you narrow down the time periods?
It appears it is just 350 M/S of data , can you toggle the data to identify the time period it was captured?

I put in a new fuel regulator yesterday (Nov 6th)and want to check the AFR's after I took the car for a run

Log file!Ao-FTTt3GMhrg4Qb72PNqQPeKitomQ


Re: Log File Time Scale

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:56 am
by David Ferguson
Are you asking how to "zoom in" on the data using I2?
-- click on the graph at the area of interest and press the up arrow key on the keyboard.

Or you can double-click and drag the cursor to select a range to zoom into.

You can drag the time scale at the bottom left and right to "scroll" through the data.

This file seems to be about 520 minutes (8.6 hours). Have you considered erasing the ecu/dash data after downloading?

Are you using the "Engine" Workspace -- that will use time for the X-axis, instead of distance. If you are using a workspace with distance, then perhaps you need to calibrate your vehicle speed -- as the maximum in this file is only 13.9 km/h which is pretty slow :)

Re: Log File Time Scale

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 9:11 am
by CarloL
Thanks David

I forgot to erase the data , it is a road car so I rarely look at the logs once she is running Ok

Re: Log File Time Scale

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 9:18 am
by David Ferguson
oops, updated my original response while you were responding.

Re: Log File Time Scale

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:43 am
by CarloL
I am using the Engine" Workspace , no wheel speed sensors are connected yet or GPS , not too sure how it can calculate speed

Will mess around with the other work spaces