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Buggy i2 pro

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:27 pm
by Kevin

I am having this issue where i2 pro acts weird every once in awhile. I am not sure why it is happening. I have one computer that all of the sudden a project will not load. Once this happens it will never load again, just done.

I also have another computer that the video part has stopped working. Then when I try to re-sync the database I get an error: An unexpected error occurred. Also on this same computer, when you use the hot key "T" then the track map never comes up.

I have tried to uninstall/reinstall the i2 pro with no luck with either one of the problems. I am using the most current i2 pro. Is there some kind of file that I can delete that doesn't get deleted when I do the uninstall that I am missing? I don't want to lose all of my math channels and worksheets.

Any help would be great.



Re: Buggy i2 pro

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 5:53 am
by David Ferguson
I have found that the project file itself can become corrupt if you experience a crash while it's open sometimes. What I have taken to doing, is make a copy of file "Project.mtcprj" found in .../Documents/Motec Projects/<name of project>/, call this "Good.Project.mtcprj". If/when you can't open the project, copy the Good version and rename it to "Project.mtcprj".

Even though my "Good Project" is a snapshot from 2011, I never seem to loose anything as the contents of the project are contained in many other files within the subdirectories.

For your dead-projects, you may be able to bring them back to life, by coping the Project.mtcprj file from another project (I think that's how I got mine working the first time).

I don't know about the video database. It sounds like you might have a corrupt file (either a video file or a data file that the video file is referencing.

Regarding the track map window. Does the View menu show "T" as the shortcut for the Track Window?

Re: Buggy i2 pro

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 3:36 pm
by TEDean
I too have issues with the hotkey "T". Hitting it does not bring up the track window. What am I missing here?

Re: Buggy i2 pro

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 5:31 pm
by adrian
Do you have a multi monitor setup or a laptop that you plug into a screen? If so does this only happen after you have disconnected from the screen? Try going to View|Reset Dock Windows and see if it fixes the issue.

Re: Buggy i2 pro

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:08 am
by Kevin
Do you have a multi monitor setup or a laptop that you plug into a screen? If so does this only happen after you have disconnected from the screen? Try going to View|Reset Dock Windows and see if it fixes the issue.

Adrian, Thanks that worked great for the track map.