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Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:00 pm
by efdepew
I am trying to look at section times from a lap I ran this year, versus laps run at another event at the same track. The automatically generated track is not sufficient, so I created my own sections in my most recent log file.

How can I use this track map with my custom sections with another log file?

Please tell me how I can bring up different log files and use the same custom track map to look at section times.


ADL Dash

Re: Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:12 pm
by efdepew
Bump, someone please help!
I am trying to look at section times from a lap I ran this year, versus laps run at another event at the same track. The automatically generated track is not sufficient, so I created my own sections in my most recent log file.

How can I use this track map with my custom sections with another log file?

Please tell me how I can bring up different log files and use the same custom track map to look at section times.


ADL Dash

Re: Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:20 am
by David Ferguson
I'm not in front of a computer with I2 at the moment, however I believe you would select the properties of the section time report and make sure you have selected your custom sections.

So the two places you need to work with are under Tools/Edit Track Map... and the Right Click->Properties of the section timing pane.

I will try to post more specific details when I get a chance.

Re: Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:17 pm
by efdepew
Thanks for responding David,

I would appreciate any help that you can give me. I will try to look at i2 to see if I can use the information that you have sent so far. I could not find a way to do it previously.

If you get a chance to post after looking at the computer, that would be great.

Thanks for your time.

Re: Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:12 am
by David Ferguson
If I understand you correctly, you have created a new Category using the Track Editor for a particular Venue. In that catetory, you have multiple sections and they are named so they mean something to you.

If you open another log file that uses the same venue (so step one -- make sure the venue name is the same from the log file where it's working correctly, and the one where it isn't), it will have this category and section names available. If the two venue name aren't the same, the easiest thing to do is edit the venue name in the new log file using the Edit Details... button when you open a log file, or the Details... icon once the log files have been opened.

When you display a Time Report, you can get section times by making sure the properties are set to Report on "Selected Outings", and the Range Group is set to "Outings:Laps:Track Sections:<YOUR_NEW_CATEGORY_NAME>. So, right-click on the Time Report you're using for section times, select Properties... Make sure the Report section is setup as I just described.

You can have multiple categories (section assignments), and choose which one each Track Report uses. These categories can also be used in the section band of a Time/Distance Graph, by selecting that in it's properties->Display->Show Section band.

If that's not enough to get you going, let me know what problems you are encountering and I'll try to help.

David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data

Re: Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:39 am
by efdepew

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this. The renaming of the venues so that they match did the trick.

Thanks a ton, I am glad I bumped my post!


Re: Custom Lap Sections with Multiple Log files

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:06 pm
by David Ferguson
Glad you got it sorted.