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Passing only timed laps in Maths formulas
Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:20 am
by Davvid
I'd like to ask if it is possible to insert only timed laps (without the out lap and in lap) to the Maths formulas ?
I don't want to include unreliable data from out- and in- laps in the Maths statistic functions but I can't figure out how to do it. Using function: range_is("Outings:Laps") chooses all samples, including data from out and in laps. And that's what I try to avoid.
Thanks in advance for reply.
Best regards.
Re: Passing only timed laps in Maths formulas
Mon May 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by YuriK
using stat_min(range_change(Outings:laps)) will give you the first lap - Out Lap
using stat_max(range_change(Outings:laps)) will give you the last lap - In Lap
you can use choose function to calculate a channel that will be valid for all laps except first and last (Out and In) laps
Re: Passing only timed laps in Maths formulas
Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:32 am
by Davvid
First of all thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it a lot. But it appears that my knowledge of i2 is insufficient to cope with that "choose" function - I can't figure out what to use as first parameter.
Could you help me further with this ?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Passing only timed laps in Maths formulas
Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:45 pm
by YuriK
Try to use something like the following
choose(range_change("Outings:Laps") != stat_min(range_change("Outings:Laps")) and range_change("Outings:Laps") != stat_max(range_change("Outings:Laps") ),
range_change("Outings:Laps"), invalid())
range_change("Outings:Laps") != stat_min(range_change("Outings:Laps")) -> not the first lap, the Out lap
range_change("Outings:Laps") != stat_max(range_change("Outings:Laps")) -> not the last lap , the In lap
If the condition is true, i.e. the lap is not Out or In lap, the output is range_change("Outings:Laps") which is basically lap number. If the condition is false, i.e. the lap is Out or In, the result is invalid.
When you select a function in Math, there is "Function Help" available to the right of the Expression window. It usually has some examples too.
Re: Passing only timed laps in Maths formulas
Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:58 pm
by EllenBiblo
Yeah even I was not able to understand ,even I think my
general maths concepts are not clear.Well after your last post it's quite clear now.
Re: Passing only timed laps in Maths formulas
Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:11 am
by Davvid
Yeah, that's it. Thank you very much, YuriK.