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Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:58 pm
by OleGreyGhost
I installed Motec I2 Pro v1.03.0106 in the GTR2 game directory.

The program is functioning correctly. I was able to run the demo video & load the sample file. I also

enabled data acquisition in GTR2, ran a couple laps, then closed the session in GTR2. The log file was

saved, plus I was able to open it in Motec & view the data.

I downloaded the "Beginners Guide to MoTeC Parts I & II v01_000 by AllanGP" from

Installed the GTR analysis & math templates in "GTR\Motec\Interpreter\Configurations" directory as

instructed in his guide.

When I try to select File- Interpreter Configuration- Load- Templates GTR Analysis190605.icf as per

instructions, the selection "Interpreter Configuration" is not present.

The same thing happens for the Mathematics ( MosMath0.1.imc ) file. There isn't any selection for an

"Interpreter Configuration".

Also installed the file GTR2.tvw in "GTR\Motec\Telemetry\Views" directory. When I try to open the

referenced "Virtual Dashboard" within Motec, I cannot find it in any of the menus or toolbars. There is

mention of the "Virtual Dashboard" and a screenshot on page 30 in your Interpreter_Manual_A5.pdf.

All the extra files referenced above are included in the download from nogripracing.

I did post for assistance on nogripracing, but did not receive any reply.

Another beginners' guide is available at [url]

i2-pro-beginners-guide[/url]. There is a nice screen shot on page 2 which depicts the GTR Analysis page &

Virtual Dashboard page in a workbook format.

This is my file structure for the Motec I2 Pro installation:

D:\Program Files\GTR\MoTec
\Interpreter\Configurations (as per instructions)
\MoTeC Projects
\Telemetry\Views (as per instructions)
\Track Maps

These are my *.plr file settings for GTR2 to utilize the MoTeC I2 Pro program:

Data Acquisition Version="0" // Version of vehicle data to write out
Data Acquisition Rate="10" // rates 1, 2 ,5, *10*, 20, 50, 100
Data Acquisition In Race="1"
Data Acquisition EXE="D:\Program Files\GTR2\MoTeC\i2\1.0\MoTeC.exe"
Data Acquisition File="userdata\vehicledata.spt"
MoTeC LogFolder="C:\MoTeC\Logged Data"
MoTeC Minimum Time="20" // minimum MoTeC recording time (sec)
MoTeC Multiple Logs="1" // generate unique filename for each new log

Any assistance in getting these file/templates to function will be greatly appreciated...

Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:29 am
by Turby
I think I should point out that this is a copywrite violation of the I2 Analysis software...

ONLY log files created by a MoTeC device ...ecu ,dash acl..can be used, ie not those generated by a game... best off asking in the various games forums

Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:32 am
by OleGreyGhost

Thanks for the reply,

Sorry to say, you are in error, GTR2 is properly licensed. If you read this post by Jarian, MoTeC rFactor-No Trackmaps Win7n:

As mentioned, rFactor are knowingly using MoTeC software illegally.

There are games, such as GTR that have correctly gone through the process of licensing the use of i2, and as such have the right to use MoTeC i2 software as part of their game.

Posted by JamieA.

Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:56 pm
by Holmz
The alternative is that there would be an agreement between the gaming company and MoTeC.
There could be a possible business model where i2 was licensed, but that would be problematic with existing hardware that puts the "license" in the logged file via the upgrade feature.

Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:39 pm
by OleGreyGhost

From what I understand there is a license agreement between them. Just d/l & look at this ingame screenshot:

An individual might hack a program to use it, but a large software publisher, I seriously doubt it.
They would not display MoTeCs' logo so prominently without an agreement in place.

And the game forum, where we enjoy this sim, doesn't allow using illegal copies either.

All I want to do is bring those files into I2 Pro, so I can analyze the data & improve performance ingame.

Again, any help will be greatly appreciated....

Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:09 pm
by JamieA
GTR and GTR2 was licenced to use i2 at the time.

We licenced it to use the version that was availble at that time.

you should ask Simbin to provide you the version that was available at the time that the game was introduced.

We do not ensure backwards compatiabilty for GTR2 as we produced new versions.



Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:48 pm
by OleGreyGhost

Thanks for clearing this up for me. I thought it was possibly an older version of your software that was used.

I just recently returned to GTR2. If I remember correctly, Simbin did not provide a copy of I2. At least it is not on their installation disk. I will check their site.

By chance did the old version use the executable "Mintwin.exe"? I saw this referenced in a user guide.

If you could just tell me which version number was used at the time the game was introduced, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, OleGreyGhost

Re: Cannot open pre-defined templates in I2 Pro for GTR2

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:46 pm
by JamieA
I would be happy to help you with this information, but I really dont know for sure.

perhaps someone at SIMBIN can tell you the version that was in use when they released the software.

I can then provide you with a link to that version of the software.

