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I2 Pro & Modified Mixture Map

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:53 am
by killerbee
I am using short term trims to determine adjustments required in my base fuel map. To insure that the data is relatively steady state and not affected by throttle transients I have a condition on the dervitive of throttle position < 1 (looking at the data this seems to be a reasonable criteria). I then went to the mixture map and created a plot of the short term trims versus Effcy. I activate only one effcy cell and review the trims over the rpm range. I manually set the rpm range to span the rpm cell I am looking at. This approach seems to work reasonably well but I would also like to dertermine the mean of the trims over this limited range. The stat_mean(x, condition) function in maths seems to do this but is there a more efficient way ?