by JamieA on Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:36 am
sometimes a project can be corrupted. This can happen if a battery goes flat, or the pc shuts down with only some of the changes to the project written back to the file. There are a few ways to fix this, one way if you wish to keep your existing project, and the other if you are happy to go back to the default circuit project.
if you go to here:
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MoTeC\Standard Projects\Circuit
If you delete this directory, a new one will be created, with all of the default settings, and this will fix the problem.
If you want to try to keep your project, go into this directory, (copy it elsewhere as a backup first) and start deleting things until you can open it in i2. This will show you which part of the project is broken. Restore your saved project, delete just that file, are you are done.. (missing only the part which was corrupted._