i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

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i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

Postby parsonsj on Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:57 am

As I've gotten more comfortable over the years in i2, I've been moving my track data over and having the M150 record it (GPS data, G force data, brake pressures, steering angle, etc.). I have all that working and I love the power of I2. Now I'd like to bring in my SmartyCam (AiM) video. I've been able to define a view and a video file and it displays and seems to move along with the recorded data. However, it's out of sync. Not offset, I can adjust that, but (in the case I'm looking at) the data in i2 goes for 90s (1 lap at Miami Homestead), and the camera data covers 100s. IOW, the camera goes faster than the data. Is there something that can be tuned for this? Is it a frame rate issue?

Anybody ever attempt this? thanks!
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Re: i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

Postby SOReilly on Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:36 am

Are you able to upload the log and captured video so we can test this a bit more?

Otherwise you can email it to support@motec.com.au.

Video recorders that support CAN sync the V2 Camera or Vbox HD2 store specific data within the video file which i2 uses to determent the syncronisation marker points. I don't think any AiM cameras support this functionality so the video isn't regularly syncronised and as you said can only be offset.
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Re: i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

Postby parsonsj on Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:56 am

Email sent with links to Dropbox downloads. Be sure to use the "2nd try" email. The first try has the wrong link for the log file.
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Re: i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

Postby parsonsj on Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:15 am

After more investigation, I think this problem originates on the recording side, by the SmartyCam itself. I think using a VSM is the way to go, but will it work with just an M150 ECU? I'm using an AiM dash and an ECUMaster PDM.

Or, is there a way to have i2 use a different video engine, such as VLC? VLC allows fine control of playback speed, and I was able to keep the video and data mostly in sync by using that.
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Re: i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

Postby SOReilly on Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:31 pm

I looked at your files and while I didn't know exactly at which point to align the video it doesn't seem to stay aligned as the log plays.

When using something like a V2 with CAN sync enabled the logging device periodically transmits CAN signals which the recording device receives and writes into the video file, this information is what i2 looks for in order to place video sync markers.

Due to the nature of how video recording devices work time isn't as precise as you would expect which is why it drifts relative to the log data.

The VSM can only be used with a dash the M1 only has CAN sync.
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Re: i2 Pro and SmartyCam video integration

Postby parsonsj on Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:39 pm

Yes, thanks for investigating. Maybe a v2 camera will be in my future.
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