channel report help

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channel report help

Postby marksdoran on Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:41 am

OK so I admit defeat. Can someone point me in the right direction with Channel Reports please??

It's the graph display that is puzzling me.

What I have been trying to do is set up custom track sections (using track editor) then using a channel report to show things like min and max speed for each section for each lap in a session. If I just set up with the default data selection -- corr speed as a channel and outings:laps as the most narrow selector then the graph looks sane.

However, as soon as I add my custom sections as "Outings:Laps:Track Sections:sections" the graph goes haywire...well strictly speaking the x-axis and the placement of data on the graph portion seems...broken. By broken I mean:

- The x-axis labels do not appear in the expected order
- Sometimes the x-axis labels show duplicates
- The data points on the graph are either all the way at one end or at least serious squished to one side on the graph pane

channel-report-graph.jpg (371.84 KiB) Viewed 7652 times

chnl-rpt-props.jpg (136.66 KiB) Viewed 7652 times

One other observation -- playing around with this I discovered that I can affect the order that x-axis labels for my custom sections is affected by by alphanumeric sort order -- so now my Best Known Method for naming sections will start by labeling them "01 - <something>", :02 - <something else>", etc. (assuming less than 100 sections needed ;)). That also does not seem very obvious -- if that's intended I would really like to see this in the documentation to warn me. Speaking of which...

The section in the help file that talks about channel reports is really terse. I really think you can only figure out how this stuff works by extensive experimentation because the help file leaves out a lot of required help (like: how does the ordering of headings says in the text it's important and then gives a couple of pretty weak examples that don't really help explain what happens with different ordering. With respect to the graph pane issues noted above for example -- the placement of data on the chart, broken though it remains _is_ affected by the order you place "Outings:Laps" and "Outings:Track Sections:sections" one order the data lines are all the way to the right edge of the chart and in the order shown in the properties dialog shown above then the lines are a bit more spread out but not in the way I'd expect.

Oh and one thing I think is an out-and-out bug -- turns out that you can add "Outings:Laps:Track Sections" as a heading -- the Select A Range Group dialog will let you do that. However, if you do that what you get is a blank line for it in the list of headings selected. Either it's wrong that you can choose that from the graph of choices or it should at least show the right label text in the heading list at the top properties dialog. Minor issue...but confusing.

The table data works how I want it when I do this so I've just been cycling the chart display mode to remove the graph but it grates that I can't work out how this is supposed to work. If you can nudge me in the right direction I'd be grateful so I can stop scratching at the itch ;)
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Re: channel report help

Postby adrian on Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:29 am

The graph issue appears to be a bug, I'll get it added to our system.

I'll do the same for the help, it looks like it was written before the graph was even added and only has details on the table.
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Re: channel report help

Postby marksdoran on Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:37 pm

OK -- bummer but that makes more sense. Thanks for putting me out of my misery! ;)
Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:02 am

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