I use IMU(inertia measurement unit), and it shows vehicle acceleration in x-axis, y-axis and z-axis.
So, what I want to derive from those ax, ay and az is 'speed' in all 3 axis - Vx, Vy, Vz
From mathematics, speed is an integration of acceleration, so I used math in i2 Pro.
However... I am very lack of knowledge of using function - 'integrate ( )'.
After through reading Function help section, but still no idea how to use them.
To derive Vx, Vy and Vz, I used as following;
integrate('Acceleration X Axis' [G],0,range_change("Outings:Laps"))
I put 'ax' data from IMU in the first blank, since it is an object to be integrated,
In the second blank, I can't really figure out which value should be put into, so I just put 0.
Last blank, range_change("outings:laps:) was applied, to reset integrated value every lap.
Is my approach correct?
Can you recommend any better math expression? Every Vx, Vy and Vz?
What is 'condition' and 'reset' terms in integrate function?
Looking forward your reply,