Maximum or minimum value of more than 2 channels

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Maximum or minimum value of more than 2 channels

Postby PieterJansen on Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:24 pm


I have a question: I want to create a math channel that displays the minimum or maximum of 60 logged channels. However the min() or max() function only allows me to have the minimum of 2 channels. Is there any other way of easily displaying the minimum or maximum value of a big amount of logged channels? Except of course off writing as your math channel as:
''min( min(min(1,2),min(3,4)),min(min(5,6),min(7,8))etc...'' with 1,2,3,4 being the logged channels

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Maximum or minimum value of more than 2 channels

Postby David Ferguson on Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:55 am

This seems like something that would be best done in code with an I2 Function or Plugin. I've never written either of those, but there was a tech note at one time about how to do it.

You will find some code in C:\Program Files\MoTeC\I1\1.1\Samples\Maths\Functions

that might be enough to get you started.
David Ferguson
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