by JamieA on Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:54 am
there are sometimes occasions when a project gets corrupted, and you can not open it any more. The most common reason for this is when the pc crashes or has a problem when you are working in a specific project.
There are a few ways to repair the project, but if you have nothing special in the project, the easiest fix for this is to delete the project from the drive. Next time you start up i2, it will build you a new project, and this should fix the problem.
If you are in i2 Pro, the projects are stored in
my documents\motec projects
In i2 Standard, the projects are stored in
<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\MoTeC\Standard Projects\
Just delete the drag project folder, and it will build a new one for you next time you open the drag project.