DBW4 MXXX setup

Includes expansion units, sensors, valves, wiring, communication cables etc.

DBW4 MXXX setup

Postby bdinnerv on Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:00 pm


Are there any details available on the setup of a DBW4 from the MXXX point of view? The setup document for the DBW4 only details the setup from the DBW4 side of things.

Things like (but not limited to):
  • How do I tell an M880 to use the DBW4 for DBW instead of the onboard DBW (via AUX1/2)
  • How do I tell an M880 how to use DBW4 for idle speed control (instead of on board DBW)
  • How do I map the inputs from the DBW4 for TP/TP2 into TP/TP2 on the M880 (the drop down list for sensors only lists the on board sensor inputs, EX(888/816) A* inputs, MDD inputs, ADL inputs and a couple of other random inputs, but no DBW4 inputs (despite selecting 7/8 for Can 2 / Can 3).
  • Is selecting 7/8 on the CAN comms settings all that is required to enable a DBW4?
  • Etc

And also, is there a CAN template for things like ADL3/SDL3/CDL3 to process the CAN data from a DBW4?


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Re: DBW4 MXXX setup

Postby MarkMc on Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:37 pm

Under General Setup - Communications -DBW4 you just set the number of throttles to be connected to the DBW4. There is no need to assign any on board outputs to the DBW function.

Under General Setup - Communications - CAN Setup you need to specify the Device 8 with address 33 and a device 7 with an address of 32 to make the communications to and from the DBW4 work.

You only need to set up a throttle pedal in the ECU there is no need for throttle butterfly positions. There is only one feedback channel from the DBW4 to the ECU. The feedback channels will be Throttle A, Throttle B, Throttle C, Throttle D for the four if all are being used.

You do not need to specify any functions to be DBW4 specific, if you have one connected and the CAN channels turned on all DBW requests will go to the DBW4.

If you would like to send information to the dash it would be easiest to send the feedback channels from a custom data set from the ECU.
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Re: DBW4 MXXX setup

Postby bdinnerv on Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:49 pm

Thanks Mark, that all makes sense now.
Its not the speed that kills, its the sudden stop at the end
Posts: 26
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