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subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:51 am
by jimarea51
Hi All

i have a m800 oem fitted to a 2005 N11 GPN car and it has had a small problem hot starting for some time now !
cold starting was extreamly good and hot starting was ok but it just spun over for a few seconds before it would fire up
but recently the hot starting has become a major problem it will some times take 20/30 seconds to fire up when hot
mostly it will still start ok from cold, (but not always), i have viewed live data and the problem appears to be associated with the cam signal as when cranking i get ref/sync errors, no ref , ref rnt errors, i have replaced the cam sensor with a new one and pinned out the wires back to the ecu and the are all fine when the engine does fire up it runs perfectly with no errors at all, the battery voltage is good when cranking

can i dissable the cam requierment dureing cranking or reduce the sensativety ? not sure if this will work ?

any help or sugestions would be much appreciated

thanks guys

Re: subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:23 am
by RossB
You cannot disable the cam sensor requirement. Do a ref/sync capture and check that both sensors are working ok. Also remember that ref and sync errors are likely to be flagged when the engine first starts cranking and will not clear (when the PC is connected) unless you manually clear them by pressing the "enter". So once the engine starts cranking clear the errors while it is cranking and check to see if they re-appear. THe sync status should change from "Not Synced" to "Synced OK" once the ECU has recognised the trigger.

Re: subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:23 pm
by jimarea51
thanks for that ross

i have done that, and the errors come straight back durring cranking and i also get 'not synced'
as soon as it fires up i get synced ok and when the engine is running all is fine no missfires or error codes
are recorded !!!

any ideas ??

thanks guys

Re: subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:19 am
by RossB
Is the enginre cranking over ok? I would do a capture while it is cranking and then again when it is running. It is possible that the position of the sync tooth edge relative to the ref teeth could be a problem, particularly if you have done some engine work or replaced the timing belt. The ref/sync mode for this engine has the edges for ref and sync occuring very close together which dosen't allow for a lot of movement. If you post the ref/sync captures I will take a look at them.

Re: subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:41 am
by jimarea51
thanks for that ross

the engine has had no work carried out recently and the cam belt is all timed correctly i will do a ref sync capture and post it for you to look at


Re: subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:42 am
by jimarea51
Hi there guys

I have posted the ref sync captures for the engine when it is (cranking cold) and starts ok and also when it is cranking hot and will not fire up, I've also included a capture when the engine is runing and drives OK...

when hot cranking the following errors are show:-

Error ref noise AR
Error ref noise TR
Error ref RUNT
Error ref low level
Error sync RUNT (Intermittently, not every time)

i have tried to adjust the ref filter and ref sensor levels at cranking but this apears to have made no differance

hope you can get some clue as to what is happening as we are strugling

thanks guys

Re: subaru N11 ref errors problem when starting ??

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:31 am
by RossB
These errors should not affect the starting or running of the car, they are warnings and are saying that there is noise on the ref sensor that are close to the arming level, this is not unusual during cranking. You need to check that the sync status is changing from "Ref/Sync Not Syncronised" to "Ref/Sync Syncronised". Once this status changes ignition and injection will commence and the engine should start.

If you are having trouble attaching your capture use the "Upload attachment" tab which is below the Save, Preview. Submit buttons on the Reply Post page.