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Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:24 am
by broraboy
Im in the process of fitting Evo 10 FBW to my Evo 9. What ECU inputs do i need to use for this. In addition to this I wish to use variable ALS. Should I just use a pot into an analogue channel or a better way to do it.

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:56 pm
by Scott@FP
You need aux1 and aux2 for the motor drive, and 4 analog inputs for the pedal and TB sensors.

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:21 pm
by SprinterTRD
Are you using a MoTeC EVO89 OEM ECU?

If you are then the EVO89 adapter cannot be used with DBW as it is not designed for this purpose.

You will need a gold box M800 or an M130

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:16 am
by Fercomp
Yes its possible to use the DBW with the Evo89 plug in.

Aux out 1 - Drive by Wire Function 5
Aux out 2 - DBW Idle Function 6

Under Functions -> DBW
Prop gain - 120
Integral - 90
Deriv gain - 150
Period - 1
Dead band - 0.3
Feed fwd - 0
Neg clamp - -15
Freq - 8000
Motor V - 14
Comp - 0
Fail safe rpm - 0
Feeback - 0

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:37 am
by SprinterTRD
As I stated before, The EVO 89 adapter AUX PCB tracks/circuitry is not designed to drive a DBW motor and should not be used for this.

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:12 pm
by Stephen Dean

The Daughter board that is used for the OEM replacement M800 is not designed to cope with the loads required to drive a DBW as the internal tracks are too small. You are also not able to purchase a DBW enable for an OEM M800 if the base vehicle did not come with DBW, this is the same as with Cam Control if the base vehicle didn't have it.

The only way to have DBW with an OEM M800 that doesn't have DBW as standard, such as transplanting a later model engine into an earlier spec vehicle, is by using a DBW4 external controller.

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2020 8:27 am
by Vlad
I did have a talk with the tech support team from MoTeC Europe about this, a couple of months ago, i was requested at a service park to check out a datalog on a Evo 8, was running the evo 4-8 PNP and i saw the DBW option enabled...i should have taken a picture to post it...

Re: Evo 9 FBW & ALS

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:46 am
by Vlad
Voila, PNP with dbw enabled