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WRX9-10 with OKM - K-type sensor settings?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 3:28 pm
by mrsaturn7085
I've got a WRX9-10 board that I have retrofitted a new OKM board into. According to the jumper settings and the WRX9-10 white paper, I should be able to utilize the A1 and A2 pins for a K-type thermocouple input on AV7. I have been told by two dealers that the OKM has an on-board amplifier for K-type sensors... why this isn't advertised or documented better is a little odd, but I digress.

I am curious what settings I should be using for the sensor input. My relevant (metric) options are as follows:

#7 MoTeC Thermocouple Amp
#65 OEM K Type Amp
#82 E888 Thermocouple

I could try guessing... but I don't know what ramifications a wrong choice will make, so I'm hoping to get a confirmed answer before shooting in the dark.

Re: WRX9-10 with OKM - K-type sensor settings?

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:54 pm
by mrsaturn7085
Got it sorted - #65 worked.