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M800 data from Mitsu Factory ACD

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:42 pm
by zerodegreec
We have a M800 (Evo9) this is in a race car, no A/C, air bags or any other feature. We are using a "factory" Ralliart ACD control. I am having difficulty with trying to setup sensors from the Ralliart. Is the M800 capable of reading the ACD control in a similar manner as the Motec MCD? Example, I would like to log the steering and each wheel speed from the ACD. according to the MCD documentation, if I setup the steering sensor as ECU2 11 I should be able to read the value of the steering angle sensor. Is this also true for a Factory ACD control?

Link 7 is closed, Link 2,5 are both Open. (this should be the M800 RS232 TX pin, thus it should not affect my issue)

Thanks, Bryan

Re: M800 data from Mitsu Factory ACD

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:52 am
by zerodegreec
Received a reply to my inquiry from Motec. The factory ACD does not communicate with the M800. :( At least its answered.

Re: M800 data from Mitsu Factory ACD

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:30 am
by Scott@FP
The Motec MDC will half-duplex (transmit only) RS232 to an Mx00, you then get all your diff control datasets, all 4 wheel speeds, long G, lat G, steering angle, switch mode (handy 6 position boost control switch!), ACD pressure etc. You could probably find a used one reasonable these days.