turbine speed input on pnp subaru wrx78 and wrx9

Covers current and earlier Subaru and Mitsubishi Plug-In systems

turbine speed input on pnp subaru wrx78 and wrx9

Postby phatbob on Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:21 am


we have several wrx78 and wrx9 installations where we'd like to add turbine speed sensor. Looking for suitable input but didn't want to sacrifice vehicle speed as this is being used for flat shift fine tuning.

We would need something capable of 5-6khz, its currently on a mag sensor with 2 pulses per rev @ 150k rpm, but we could convert to hall if needed. Whats the recommended option ? We could also use one of the speed inputs on the dash (CDL3) but it doesn't look like they can take the resoloution required.

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Re: turbine speed input on pnp subaru wrx78 and wrx9

Postby Scott@FP on Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:53 am

If you have a digital input channel available the Garrett (Jaquet) unit will work fine. Set up as RPM, calibration is (number of blades/8*100), then User channel with 0=0, 2000=200.0 and it will read in whole thousandths plus a tenth. ECU is limited to 6KHz input, and won't display an RPM above 20K, so you have to fudge a bit. Wiring is simple, 5v, 0v, signal. With the turbo speed on User 1 or User 2 and in the xxx.x format you can use it for shaft speed based PID boost control if desired. ECU Speed cals do not allow you to use a decimal point so you have to use whole numbers and divide elsewhere.
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