Error Inj open problem

Covers current and earlier Subaru and Mitsubishi Plug-In systems

Error Inj open problem

Postby mhd on Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:20 am

Dear Mr Mark

We have problem with 2006 EDM STI with pluge in M800 ECU,
the problem start while mapping when we reached around 1.4 Bar the engine start to cut (its like miss fire) and (Error Inj 1,2,3,4,5 ) is on, some time error inj 3,4,5 , and some time 1,4,5 injector,

-we have changed the injector current from 0 , 0.5 ,0.8, -0.5, 3 amps, but still the same
-we have connect the injector with direct 12V+ so to be sure that the injector get nice + but still the same problem
-we have checked all the wiring many time .but still the same problem

the car parts:
ID1000 fuel injector 15-16 Ohm
the injector 5 out is boost solenoid is 24 ohm

We have a race very soon so please help us

Thank's very much in advance
ProRacing Co.
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