Chris Wilson wrote:Thanks Stevieturbo. Would the "read sensor" function be happy with such a device? To be honest a multi turn device is probably a bit OTT, I would be happy with a single turn with a dial knob and scale.
I see where you are coming from with the device moving position Allan L, but I can introduce friction on the underside of the dial, and this is going in a road car anyway, I can't recall the radio volume knobs or other pot type controls ever moving themselves in any road car I have owned. I would be much more cautious if were an off road / race type vehicle, thanks for the warning though, appreciated.
The little dial I showed has a simple lock on it. When set it cannot turn. It's actually a really easy thing to use, and the rotary dial gives accurate positioning
And depends what you're using the input for and how the ecu interprets it. If it's for a Cal switch which I suspect, I see no reason why it wouldnt work, as you calibrate each setting to a particular resistance ?
The changeover point may not be as instant as the normal rotary switch...or maybe it will ?
Whilst I have one of those ecu's here, Ive still never used it yet myself, so cant comment on how easy it would be or how well it would work..