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LSU 4.9 Lambda connection to #61044 Loom M800 PNP

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:19 pm
by Ohachicho
Hi guys,

Need some help with connecting the LSU Lambda to the Motec.

I know that there is a diagram that comes with the LSU sensor that discribes how to connect it to the Motec directy, however in my case, I would like to connect it to the Motec Lambda Loom #61044 which is then connect to the Lambda2 port on the M800.

My question is, Which wire on the #61044 loom corresponds to the LSU sensor Wires?

The DTM to LSU wire I already ordered it from my Motec dealer, but I need to know which wires go where for it to work.

Urgently awaiting you replys.

Many Thanks.

Omar Hachicho
Qatar, Doha