LTC NTK whats not in the box

Discussion and support for the MoTeC PLM and LTC's

LTC NTK whats not in the box

Postby rayhall on Tue May 16, 2017 2:49 pm

I just purchased and received the LTC NTK Lambda to CAN. Also the NTK sensor.

There is a four pin deutsch connector on one of the cables. There is no matching connector set in the box. The cost of this connector set is low. The problem is the inconvenience of having to source the connector set. As a customer the feeling is of disappointment, and thoughts of how lousy it is that it was not included in the box.

I think Motec has taken this "nothing in the box" thing too far.

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Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:54 am

Re: LTC NTK whats not in the box

Postby JamieA on Tue May 16, 2017 3:56 pm

Thanks for the post, always good to hear from you.

As a general rule, none of our products are supplied with mating half connectors. This is generally done as we supply to a number of different customer types with differing needs.

You are right that sometimes we supply a product to a new build for whom the connector may be useful.
But sometimes it is a replacement for a damaged component, where the connector is not useful
Sometimes we are supplying to a race team for whom they carry stocks of their own connectors anyhow (V8SC teams for instance remove the connectors and install autosport connectors).
Some times we supply to people who have a wiring guy install who would usually use their own connectors.

So basically we don't assume that everyone needs a MoTeC supplied connector built into the price and we let customers choose if they would like to use a MoTeC supplied connector or one of their own.

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