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Combined ignition on, off and start button

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:52 am
by Turby
Hi, I have a modern Ford Fiesta which comes with a single momentary button which provides ignition on, off and start functionality with the OEM electrical system. Is there any way of achieving this with a PDM? On the standard car the starter will only operate if the clutch is depressed.

Obviously the logic would need to ensure that the starter does not operate when the engine is running above cranking speed, I can receive rpm via can from the non motec Ecu.

I could go old school and simply fit a toggle switch for the ignition circuit, but where’s the challenge in that!

Has anyone got a configuration or tips they could share with me?

Thanks in advance

Re: Combined ignition on, off and start button

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:58 pm
by David Ferguson
This should be relatively straight forward to do. Just create a table showing the different states /behaviors you want, and create functions / logic to make that work.

If you are looking to hire someone to create this for you, I'm sure there are several folks that could do that.

Re: Combined ignition on, off and start button

PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:28 pm
by Stephen Dean
As David said, this is fairly easy to do using the PDM.

Create a Ignition Switch function using Toggle to swap between Ignition on and Ignition off (this would need a time delay on it so that a momentary press to enable the starter will not toggle the Ignition, and then use the same button input as a Momentary switch to drive the starter, within this function you would have some conditions set such as Ignition Switch = On and Engine Speed <= 200rpm (or whatever speed the engine cranks at). This can't be 0 as this will cause the starter to turn off when the engine is cranked.