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M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:09 am
by Stephen Dean
As this topic comes up regularly I have created this post and made it a sticky.

This document and the worked PDM configuration step through the process of setting up the PDM communications templates, and explain how to use the M1 PDM Resource allocations.

M1 PDM Communications.pdf
(1.28 MiB) Downloaded 2552 times

M1 Feb2016 CAN Messaging.pdm
(78.16 KiB) Downloaded 2333 times

Re: M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:27 am
by cotje
Hi Stephen,

Thanks for sharing! I'm trying to achieve the same with a PDM32 and M800. Can you share some documents describing this?

I'm lost in the area of CAN address/function relationships...

Re: M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:27 am
by adrian
The M800 doesn't have a specific PDM CAN transmit so you need to use the custom datasets. With the custom datasets you can essentially send anything you like.

I have attached an example of what you could do, if you setup a custom dataset with the channels in the exact order of the below image then it will work with the attached PDM config.

You need to transmit the Custom dataset sequentially (CAN 0 Data set to 8) and the address needs to be 0x118 so set CAN 0 Address to 280.

Re: M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:31 am
by cotje
Thanks a lot Adrian! I will go and test this asap.

Re: M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:10 am
by cotje
Hi Adrian,

I got this custom-data-set to work but notice I can only enter four channels. The other issue I seem to have is the combination with my SDL3-dash which occupies CAN0. I used CAN1 for custom-data-set 2 but would like to use more channels to send to the PDM. As fas asI know I cannot move the SDL to another CAN. Am I stuck now or are there other assignment options?


Re: M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:56 pm
by Merlin
Hi Motec Team

Can we make request for Software connection via a M1 ecu into the can bus into a PDM?
we can do this now with the LTC units ...can it be done for the PDM ??

John P

Re: M1 and PDM CAN Communications

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:27 pm
by Stephen Dean
Hi John,

This is not done as usually the device that is being used as the gateway is also powered by the PDM, this means that if the PDM is restarted to enable a change, then the gateway device is also restarted as the PDM restarts. When this happens, the communications are lost and it is possible for the PDM to be set to an inoperable state. As the UTC is powered by the laptop through the USB cable, it isn't effected by the PDM power cycling.